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Affordable Roger Dubuis Replica Watches For Sale | Best Replica Watch Shop

Roger Dubuis Replica Watches

Buonamassa makes it clear that the Octo case has a strong connection to Rome's architecture. When you look at the Pantheonyou can see different forms - triangular, square, dome. The same elements are also present in the Palazzo deiCongressi, which Mussolini constructed for the Universal Exposition. This is a modern version of the Pantheon.Roger Dubuis Replica Watches From the air, you can see four domes arranged on a square base. And from the front, you get the same impression as you would at the Pantheon. Butasyouwalkaround it, the shape changes - thisisItalianrationalism, wherethe architect plays only withshape withoutusing anydecorative elements.

"This is the inspiration. You see an Octo as a round shape with another shape inside - the same as the Palazzo dei Congressi. It's not a square, but it is sort of like a square. It's also a kind of octagon. You have a round form with an octagonal component.

The shape is pure and clean. You can see the Octo steps on the case when you look at the watch from the sides. This is what makes it a Roman design.

Rome is a city unlike any other. It's stylish, exciting and daring, as well as heart-breakingly gorgeous. Where better to draw inspiration from? Finissimo Automatic with titanium bracelet is a watch that evolves and changes every time. It could be the best example of the Octo. This miniature architectural masterpiece,Rolex Milguass Replica Watches which takes its inspiration from the mother city of Roger Dubuis Replica Watches, may be viewed as a square by some traditionalists. But, perhaps that's a good thing, because as Roger Dubuis Replica Watches's motto reminds us, "Life isn't round."
